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SHA-2 Testing Tool

Enter your website name to get the information about website having SHA-1 or SHA-2 certificate. If your website using SHA-1 certificate, it’s time to upgrade it to SHA-2.


Google announcement about SHA-2

According to Google announcement, from November 2014, Google Chrome will start to cease support to SHA-1 algorithm in upcoming chrome versions-39, 40, and 41. Even Microsoft and Mozilla Firefox have already notified about stopping usage of the SHA-1 algorithm because SHA-1 is  susceptible to collision attack.

What is SHA-1?

SHA-1 is a secure hash algorithm was published in 1995, which produces a 160-bit hash value. In 2005, it was found vulnerable to collision attack and hence, deemed as an insecure algorithm, which compels the CA/Browser Forum and NIST to mull over SHA-2 algorithm.

What is SHA-2?

SHA-2 algorithm was introduced in 2001 which includes hash functions (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256). It carries major changes from the forerunner SHA-1 algorithm. With SHA-2, the data authenticity remains secure and stable.

Why should I upgrade my certificate from SHA-1 to SHA-2?

From the year 2017, SHA-1 will be replaced with SHA-2 algorithm. The reason behind to do so is less secure with a weak algorithm, also it is deprecated since 2011 according to CA/Browser Forum guidelines. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) also made a publication about to ban SHA-1 algorithm.

Browser warnings in case of continuing with SHA-1:

If your SSL provider does not move an SSL certificate from SHA-1 to SHA-2, then the browser will show SSL warning in the browser and the user will not be able to connect to the requested page.

Use of SHA-2 Intermediate Certificate:

If your intermediate certificate needs to be updated, then we have given below some reference as per different CAs.